Sponsorship Application

Brands | Business | Individual
Rated G (General) or M (Moderate)

Package offers are below
Pay to Athena Blackwood

*The owner, creator, designer or manager may signup.
No others allowed in less given permission.
To fill in the blanks click on the name (ex: Legacy Name) for the red line
to appear
in the text box to fill out the application*

Sponsor Packages 2024

Limited availability


L$ 5000
  • One Year Advertise
  • Sponsor page
  • Judge Panel (Optional)
  • Rouge Magazine Advertise
  • Six Magazine Advertise
  • Front row seating
  • Opening script dialog
  • VIP tickets for Finals
  • Invite 4 Guests for Finals


L$ 4000
  • One Year Advertise
  • Sponsor page
  • Rouge Magazine Advertise
  • Included in script dialog
  • VIP tickets for Finals
  • Invite 3 Guests for Finals


L$ 3000
  • 6 months Advertise
  • Sponsor page
  • Rouge Magazine Advertise
  • Included in script dialog
  • Tickets for Finals
  • Invite 2 Guests for Finals


L$ 2000
  • 3 months Advertise
  • Sponsor page
  • Rouge Magazine Advertise
  • Included in script dialog
  • Tickets for Finals
  • Invite 2 Guests for Finals